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Mommy Merrill

Motherhood & Other Nonsense

It was about a weak back

Hello!, As many of you know I took a GIANT social media break. Now I'm going to explain why...

In short: I had a back problems && needed surgery. But if you want to know the dets then keep reading on (WARNING; There are some graphic photos of my back if you get squeamish don't look!!!!).

I have always had a messed up spine, its curved in more ways than one. I have scoliosis and kyphosis. One is an S curve && the other is a glorified way of saying I have a "hunch-back". I knew one day that one of these things would land my in the hospital for surgery BUT surprisingly neither of those were the issue.


How it started:

It started a few months ago when I was at my peak mental && physical health, I was going to the gym 3xs a week, eating healthy, going hiking, enjoying time with my family, && doing well in school. Out of nowhere I started to have severe pain in my back, It was crippling. I thought I had pulled a muscle or something so I went to the doctors she said" You have a bulging disc, here's some exercises/stretches you'll be fine"

Hospital hopping:

Within a few days of my doctor's visit while I was sitting in my psychology class I felt 100% worse, I had been uncomfortable sitting && tried to make it through class but then I was incontinent && couldn't feel anything below my waist. I threw up from pain in my back called the doctor && said "I need medical imaging" She sent me to the urgent care in Wilton to be tested for cauda equina syndrome (this is when your spine is compressed && cuts of the nerves to your lower half). They told me I needed to go to Saratoga hospital. I drove myself there && was there for 4 hours before being seen. Once they took me back I was immediately brought to imaging not given anything for pain or told what was going on. I was in my own room for about 20mins before the ambulance drivers came in to take me to Albany med. my nurse gave me medicine for the pain at this point but I still was not told what was going on just that "it is a serious spinal injury & you need to go to Albany med because we don't have the doctors for you here". Once in the ambulance I asked the EMT what the hell was going on with me && finally was told that I had four ruptured discs in my back && where they were. I was quiet for the rest of the ride trying to process it && not die from the pain I was in. When we got to Albany they gave me a room next to a severely drunk out of control patient. They ran a few tests (some pretty evasive && made me more uncomfortable) && the "Spine specialist" came in after about another 6 hours && told me I was going to be discharged even though I showed signs of cauda equina syndrome && that I would need to see an outside specialist because they didn't have the time or resources to do surgery on me that night. I was told to wait in the lobby for my ride where they brought in a bunch of prisoners', I decided to just go sit outside && wait for my dad to come get me (we live an hour away). So after 13 hours of hospital hopping && not eating all day my dad brought me to get food && home to sleep.

Bone & joint center:

I had to follow up with my doctor && keep her in the loop, I made an appointment with her, let her know what was going on, && asked her to put my in physical therapy while I waited the month before I could be seen by the surgeon I picked out. Physical therapy went fine it helped me stretch out other parts of my body && helped with some pain management but it wasn't going to fix the problem && I knew I would need surgery.

When I got to Dr. Riccio I had been doing PT for a month && he told me to stop since it wasn't working && suggested we try cortisone injections, 2 weeks later I got my injections && was told to live life as active && as normal as I would if my back weren't hurting... so I did, I went hiking with my goat, brought my kids out to play/going kayaking pretty much daily. The shots worked and things were looking up, I was actually hopeful that we could avoid surgery. Then 2 weeks passed && I felt worse than before, The pain all came back at once, My follow up was still 2 weeks out but I called my surgeon && explained everything I was told to take tylenol && stop all activity (again) until my appointment. The first week of waiting I could barely move, Slept on the couch because stairs were too hard, couldn't lift my kids, && couldn't shower by myself (My husband had to wash my hair and my legs because I couldn't bend down or lift my arms). This kept going on so I made it to my appointment && told the Doc it was time for surgery. He agreed && his assistant Jess scheduled me for surgery at Saint peter's hospital for a month out, While I was waiting in the rom for about 20 mins to get my paper work Jess came in && said "I'm sorry for the wait but there's a spot at Albany med for next Friday so I am just waiting to talk to the doctor && see if that works" As baffled as I was that I could potentially have surgery in a week I very happily waited for him to answer, He said yes && I was scheduled. I needed my post op appointment && blood work which came back fine (although I now have a small heart murmur, Woohoo) I was cleared && had my surgery.

Surgery && Recovery:

My surgery was a Bilateral microdiscectomy on L1S1, it lasted about an hour && a half. Riccio was able to remove all of the slipped cartilage that was compressing my spine && screwing up my nerves. We had to sit for my recovery hour && then I was discharged to go home that day. I had to be on strict "Couch-rest" for two weeks until my check up only to get up for the bathroom && short walks to keep things moving. I was on A LOT of pain meds. I had a pretty long incision on my lower back that needed to stay covered for the first 5 days to keep the stitches && STERIStrips on && avoid infection (I wasn't allowed to shower ALL 5 DAYS, ew). My family took shifts in coming to hangout with us, Take care of the kids, house, && me. My husband && sister took the first week off to help. This also fell on my son's second birthday (there was a small cake && pizza with his grandparents). I needed to use a walker to get up off the couch && walk for the first 3 days. I started to be able to move by myself && use the restroom by myself again on the 4th day. I slept A LOT the first week because of all the meds. The 5th day I got to shower, let me tell you it was the best day of recovery. I still needed help which was almost romantic but still creepy because I am 27 && hoped that my husband wouldn't have to take care of me like that until we were like 80. I digress. At my 2 week check up I was doing everything on my own but still needed a driver until my restrictions were lifted. The doctor said "you still need to ease into things && take it easy for 2 more weeks but the restrictions are more relaxed." I got my stitches out && made my 6 week follow up for the day before my brother's wedding where I will get some scans done to make sure everything is all fused properly && hopefully I can get back to my normal active life style, because the ten pounds I gained from not moving for a month and a half needs to go away.


(Slide from left to right to see progression from day 1 to week 2)

&& Yes it now looks like I have a giant buttcrack....

My viewpoint:

Although this has been a surprise && not so great experience, I am happy that it happened now while I am young && able to recovery fast from it. I can say that it was been extremely humbling && I am not taking things for granted like I used to. Sometimes I get so upset with my husband for not helping out around the house but we have both learned && have grown from this, He definitely has shown appreciation for everything I do with taking care of the kids && house for a full week. It was like a vacation from hell where I really got to learn a few things about myself && my family.

So here's what we have taken from this entire experience:

  • I have regained my love for reading.

  • I have learned that the list of people that I typically help isn't always going to be reciprocated && I should evaluate my relationships more.

  • The people that are in this household HEAVILY relay on me && I need to make it known when I need help around the house.

  • My sister is becoming my best friend more && more every day.

  • My children are smart && can be independent little boys, && I should value every moment I can with them.

  • My husband has learned how hard my job actually is && 100% meant his vows for "in sickness && in health"

  • I am much stronger than I previously thought.

  • We need a digital detox as a family unit.

For Reference purposes:

This is a diagram showing the differences between certain types of injured discs I currently have one bulging disc && two herniated or "ruptured" discs remaining && the surgery corrected the worst one of my herniated discs (L5S1)

This shows the "lower lumbar section of the back. L5 is the where I had surgery. L3-L5 are all injured discs in my back but hopefully with this surgery they will correct themselves && "Slip" back into place without need additional surgery. I also have a bulging disc in C5 which is in the neck area not shown on here.

Writer's picture: ChelsChels

Hermes and myself have started our Lake George 12ster challenge.

The challenge consists of hiking 12 peaks in Lake George.

We decided to hike Buck Mountain first && here's our hiking journal along with photos and videos of our trip!. I will be blogging away our journals as we complete each hike.

1) Buck Mt. 2665’ Elevation. Date: June 21st, 2021

Start Time: 12:15pm. Summit: 3:45pm Stay: 35 minutes

Descent: 4:20pm End: 5:47pm

Weather conditions: Started the hike in bright 80-degree weather, toward the top of the summit we experienced a bit of wind that was knocking down trees, Hermes was spooked but we made it past and to the top. Along with our time we cleared about 6 smaller trees from the path for others and had to stop about 10 times for people to talk to us and take pictures. After we made it to the summit, we heard some thunder in the distance and had to cut our stay short, we descended about ½ a mile down before it started to rain heavily. It continued to pour the entire descent down, making the trail into a rock filled waterfall/ mudslide. Once we got into the car the weather cleared up again and was back to and 80-degree sunny day.

The Journey: We stopped for conversations with people and to let others pass along the trail, Cleared about 6 fallen trees on the way up. We saw a few frogs, a turtle, birds, and fed a chipmunk on the way up.

We took plenty of breaks for Hermes could eat the leaves and I could catch my breath/hydrate. We got discouraged a few times when we thought we were closer to the summit than we actually were, This was the first summit we did where we had multiple people rudely imply that Hermes and myself were not going to make it and that we should turn back. We ran short on water with about a mile left to the summit. (SIDE NOTE: Pack more water/research bigger water packs for next larger summit) It was an emotional hike, we were less prepared for this one and will try to prepare more for the next one. We plan to hit the harder hikes first, so it gets progressively easier for us to complete this challenge.

The Summit:


About 15 mins before reaching the summit we stopped for a break at a gorgeous opening that showed the other half or the lake, this is where I cried. We were cheered on by the 2 men that gave us some ambition, they were wonderful and gave us the drive to keep going. I wish I could thank them; they have no idea how badly we both needed them cheering. We made it to the summit to see a bird bathing in a small puddle. We both tried to eat our cliff bars but couldn’t out of sheer exhaustion. After hearing the thunder our victory was cut short because we still had a descent of 3.3 miles to get back to the car, we knew it was to rain and didn’t want to be stuck on the top due to the last half mile being all rock. It would have been slick and too dangerous. We made it past the solid rock portion of the slope before it started to downpour on us. Hermes doesn’t like the rain or being in water so he started to pull me down the mountain fairly quickly, He would get spooked by the thunder and the lightening, so I had to stop and hold him when it got bad. He was a trooper and although its hard to trek the trails pulling a 75lbs resistance behind me, It’s so rewarding at the same time and I am very proud of him. Hopefully for our next 12ster we can have better weather and watch the rewarding view a little longer.

Writer's picture: ChelsChels

So I know people have been checking up on the site waiting for updates and new content. I've apologized so many times for not putting up content that it makes my apologies seem useless. SO I am done apologizing && I will stat explaining,

The last semester of college almost broke me; my spirits were extremely low && I was starting to slope back into a deep depression. So instead of taking time to deal with my depression I dove further into school so I could "Just get through it" But then I found out halfway through the semester that my back was broken, I have currently 4 ruptured discs in my back && another one that is bulging. I am typically an rather strong person, normally the pressure of school && something like this would push me to do better because I got two beautiful sets of blue eyes looking up to me for all the answers && how to act but it didn't. To be honest I am just terrified about my back && I'm trying to spend time doing everything I can while I am in the "This hurts" stage. I've seen people with ruptured discs first hand people who I looked up to and thought were incredibly strong. I watched them decline && the saddest part is it was watching abled body people lose their spirits, be drained of life. So I am trying very hard to stay positive about this, I don't want to end up like my friends && family, I don't want to be swept away by the currant of depression BUT it's easier said than done. Truth is when I found out it destroyed my plans for my career && my future that I've been working so hard for. I have started to go back to school for criminal justice, I wanted to be an "on the beat" officer or be in the national guard. I wanted to go out && make a difference. When I found out about my discs I was told that the academy wouldn't take me && that I would no longer qualify for boot camp. NOW I've had my dreams crushed before, I'm no stranger to adapting && finding a new path. But I was so flushed with frustration it's made it hard to focus on anything but the negatives.

The positives are still here though. I have three family members getting married this year, My son is starting kindergarten in September, I will be graduating with one degree && transferring to another college to move forward with being a lawyer as the end goal this time, I am going to be getting treatment for my back that (hopefully) will work && Keep me out of surgery but until then I will be spending this entire summer trying to hike, kayak, run, && play with my amazing family.

So I am not sorry that I haven't wrote because if I wrote while super depressed I don't think that would help anyone, Certainly not me. BUT next time I will give everyone a heads up when I need to take a break. Thanks for being so understanding && I look forward to giving y'all some quality content soon!

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