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Mommy Merrill

Motherhood & Other Nonsense

Writer's picture: ChelsChels

This is an actual conversation between Aaron && I that took place 11/22/2020 at like 10 o'clock at night whilst wrapping presents for Christmas && putting the tree up WHICH HE ASSULTED ME WITH TWICE (Yes, He wacked my in the head with the tree, Then pinched my finger in the hole when we were putting it together.)

Aaron: Hey Babe, What do you want to eat? I know you really haven't all day.

Me: Um I literally don't care. I'm having hunger pains.

Aaron: Okay, I'll make you pasta.

Me: Thanks. Can you grab my meds too? I have been choking on my food lately.

(Quick fact, I have really bad acid reflux issues && sometimes need my throat stretched)

Aaron: Well, Are you taking different sized bites?

Excuse me? What?

Yes Aaron, I thought you know what would be cool?, If I started taking bigger bites with my known condition so I can just choke && DIE. Jeezeeee man. Sometimes this guy just gets my baffled. Mind you I was still hangry when we had this conversation (I get violently mean when hangry we literally had a warning light in our kitchen for 3 years), I literally was speechless.

Please please please tell me I'm not the only one who has this problem.

Writer's picture: ChelsChels

Mastits: is an inflammation of breast tissue that sometimes involves an infection. The inflammation results in breast pain, swelling, warmth and redness. You might also have fever and chills. Mastitis most commonly affects women who are breast-feeding!

Ouch it is SOO painful guys!. I have had clogged ducts, Pinched nipples, chapped, chaffed, you name it, But none of them have hurt nearly as bad as this.

I originally thought I just had a clogged duct in my left breast, but then with in hours my breast got super swollen, red, && I started to have chills. Of course I couldn't have picked a better time for my boob to act out because Aaron was in the office for the first time in forever, it was a Friday after hours so I couldn't even go to the doctors, && I had both kiddos by myself while dying on the couch. Also in the same week that I got diagnosed with a heart && blood pressure condition.

To add another little note, During covid is thee worst time to get mastitis because it has similar symptoms as covid:

Do you have chills? Shakiness? Fever? ETC.?

Unfortunately, I have to say yes to all of these questions even though I know I DO NOT HAVE COVID, just please treat me for mastitis.

So if you have mastitis questions or think that you do please go into the obgyn immediately && Feel free to reach out to your girl.

Writer's picture: ChelsChels

Okay friends so you remember how I finally after four years I got my own space? Well, it now smells like duck && here's why on Wednesday November 4th we found another dead duck. It was a little chilly so we panicked a bit because some of the other ducks were looking rough. We took them all inside but had no where to put them other then you guessed it MY OFFICE. So we grabbed the kitty pool and the base of our papasan sofa to MacGyver a make-shift duck cage && placed them all in my office.... in a kitty pool... with a heat lamp.

After a nearly full day they calmed down but in total I ended up losing three ducks in one day. I ended up giving the remaining ducks baths. While they dried out, I sat in class (which I was late to && I also handed in my research topic late because I got my due dates screwed up) Then I decided to winterize the coop because ya know that's what we thought was wrong with the ducks, whilst doing so I fell off the roof of the coop.... && landed on a rock.

So obviously I was not having a good ducking day to say the least. I was very stressed. Now we have 10 ducks instead of 17 since it was the smaller Muscovy ducks we have started to put together that is was actually just the 10 baby ducks we received that were sick, there are 3 from that batch remaining && we are watching them like a hawk hoping that they make it through whatever sickness it is they actually have.

Also it has taken days to clean my office because the kitty pool apparently had a hole in it so there was poopy duck water seeping into my floor. So thanks ducks for the heart attack && smelly office. Glad you're back in your coop living your best life && I got my office back.

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