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Writer's pictureChels

Bye Bye Birdy

Not a Wembley post but puppy shaming behavior brought to you by the sweet && innocent Aurora.

Aurora has been asking very strange lately since I had my syncope episode && I think it may be fear or anxiety but regardless she has been deciding for go for little jogs around the block but would still come back when I would call. The last few times her hearing has gotten well selective..


This doesn't worry me too much because everyone knows her very well && she is extremely friendly (I am working on keeping her in the yard again but I'm an understanding mama) BUT her most recent 100 meter dash ended in me being unable to find her for about 30 minutes, Now at this point I have to go pick up the kiddos because I was running super late. So I took about another 15 minutes looking for her then decided that I know she will come home eventually so I'll run quickly to grab the kids && head home to look for her. It took me about 20 minutes to get the kids && another 15 minutes to get home. When I pulled into the drive Miss Aurora had ran out her energy && was sitting on the stoop waiting for us. After being gone for an hour && 20 minutes I expected her to get into something that was a given, Little did I know that something was a bird.... Yes a bird. How did I find out? Well... Since you asked, I noticed some blood on her mouth (cleaned her up && left to check on the dogs && chickens around us (everyone was fine)) Once I got home she had thrown up the bird bones && feathers all over my sub-floor (we were remodeling). Then I almost threw up because it was so disgusting; the smell was repulsive. She sat there && watched my pick it up. Then she continued to give me attitude && ignore me for the majority of the day.

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