As if the month of October hasn't already been a train wreck, I had to say goodbye to a very special lady in my life. One of my childhood dogs Delilah was fighting a very aggressive cancer. Its unfortunate that she had this happen but she was struggling && my mother called me right away. I'm lucky to have had the chance to love this dog. She && I have been through so much together. We had a connection that I can't quite describe any other way then that of best friends. I love you, Fly high baby.
Took me a while to write this post because it was her birthday when I went to post & I just couldn't stop crying. It takes a special breed of person to own one of these beautiful giants && honestly I don't know if I would have ever owned a Dane if I didn't grow up with this girl. Now I don't know if we will own any other breed, Can't praise these dogs enough.