I just quickly wanted to write about decorating Gingerbread houses with children. I know there are Plenty of creative mamas out there who can build && decorate the most beautiful houses out there, I however am not one of them. Here is my venting session && Tips to help you survive this time old tradition with your children without screaming && throwing the damn thing into the trash.
First, who the hell came up with this?
Who thought "You know what would be an AMAZING idea?, Lets bake cookies until they're as hard as rocks && build a little house that no one will eat, just for decoration.", I am honestly still trying to figure this out.
(If you're looking for a history lesson on gingerbread houses go here: https://www.pbs.org/food/the-history-kitchen/history-gingerbread/#:~:text=Gingerbread%20houses%20originated%20in%20Germany,became%20associated%20with%20Christmas%20tradition.) It doesn't state who had that "Great idea" but it is still pretty interesting.
Anyway, We are here. We are the mom's who are tasked with decorating the Gingerbread house with the kids because we know our husbands or signification others do not have the patience to sit down && do a craft with the kids.
So here are my tips for you:
1) Order or purchase a "Pre-assembled house". You can do this at Walmart,Target,&& Amazon.
2) Buy extra decorating tools,
Cookie icing is a biggie for our family, it doesn't go on too thick && dries faster.
Buy cute little edible characters that your kids will like && want to eat (Put them on last so it still holds your child's interest). Buy little cheap paint brushes for fine details; this helps you && the kids not be covered in icing && you don't get frustrated with the messes that we have to pick up after!.
3) If you are a perfectionist, BUY A SECOND GINGERBREAD HOME && decorate it when the kids are sleeping. Everyone wants to be able to post the perfect little gingerbread home && write "Little so and so and I did this #familygoals #craftychristmas" BUT that just is not realistic in the slightest, because if you and your children are actually having fun whilst making a gingerbread house its going to be messy && just look like a complete train wreck. These. are. facts. people.
4) REMEMBER ITS ABOUT THE KIDS, your kids are just excited to be spending time with you during the chaos of the holiday season! Remember why you're doing it && who Christmas is all about. I know in the past I have been so invested in "Making everything perfect" that I have forgotten to see if my kids are actually happy or not. This year my four year old && I decorated the prefab gingerbread house && honestly it looks so awful BUT he && I actually had a blast making it this year because no one is going to eat it, or probably see it for that matter (at least not in person, Thanks covid.), && we just got to relax && spend time with each other.
This year I have been more in the Christmas spirit than I think ever. This year not being able to see family during the holiday season has made my entire family appreciate what the holiday is actually about && I am so very grateful for that && our ugly "horror-gingerbread house".