Ughh So little more venting, After my awful week (see prior post) my little Wembley boy gets sick.
He threw up overnight && although I was super concerned my husband talked me into going into work the next morning. So needless to say I was only at work for about an hour before driving home frantically because Aaron called me saying that "The dog is throwing up red stuff" Umm.. What?! then sends me this picture.

I rush home telling him to call the vet immediately. I pick up Wembley && bring him to the vet right away. They take x-rays && a full blood panel and can not find out where the issues are even though he had elevated levels. So we are given about 6 medications as well as a special diet for him for the next 10 days (roughly a 1,000 bill, but totally worth it)
So after 48 hours I brought him back to the vet && he is completely fine. So either my sweet boy was faking being really sick && just got into something small that upset his belly OR he may have gotten into something toxic to dogs && potentially has a blood disease.
We may never know but we are glad to have our energetic crazy pup back to good health!
P.S. This is the most expensive dog I've ever owned in my life. Between the vet bills && all the furniture I've needed to replace but I wouldn't trade him for the world. Highly recommend Great danes to anyone who has the time to spend with them && train them (My boy will forever need training).