So I can't help but post this recipe even though its SO EASY && SIMPLE.
I was on Pinterest (Big shock; when am I not?) && I stumbled upon some one pan recipes.
I thought hey I have an idea. So I threw something together.
I cut Peppers into strips, Laid asparagus on one side of the sheet and the pepper on the other. I de-veined the shrimp and laid them on another pan. I tossed both pans in extra virgin olive oil && a few spices I used Salt,Pepper, Paprika, & about half a stick of melted butter. Set my oven to 400 degrees and cooked the both pans for about 6-8 minutes. && that was it. All done.

The prep & overall cook time took me about 15 minutes to make and much less time to enjoy. Being a busy mom its very difficult to make dinner and chase a toddler but this recipe gave me PLENTY of time to chase Wyatt around the kitchen.