My son is at the wonderful age where he simultaneously Loves && Hates me. Typical day with my threenager.
For example,
We went to a birthday party this past Sunday that was carnival themed and we took home quite a few temporary tattoos as party favors. When I asked Wyatt how many tattoos he wanted he said "I want tattoos like mommy" Meaning he wanted 7 tattoos ( I have 8 but we couldn't fit one on his finger) and all placed that way mommy has them. I was so happy && proud that he still looks up to me && thinks I'm great. (I was proved wrong later in the day)
Fast forward to later in the day.
We are in the car on our way home from the store && Wyatt asks " Can I please have some juice?" So I hand him my giant 64 oz jug of water to share with him. He takes one sip && then my husband asks for it back so he can have a sip too. Wyatt proceeds to say "No, This is my water jug" && I jokingly respond "No it's mommy's water && I am such a good mom that I share"
Here's the fun part.
He responds with " No you're not a good mom. You're a bad mom. && you're trying to steal my water bottle" Ummm. WHAT? haha.
Here's my advice to other momma's out there. Do not take it personally when your kid randomly hates you for no reason or calls you a "bad mom" My literal reaction to this whole situation was to laugh (although I deep down really wanted to cry) because Wyatt doesn't know what a bad mom is, he has never had one && our kids don't know how good they actually have it.
So pick yourself up ladies && just laugh at your children. One day they will understand how amazing && wonderful we actually are && don't forget they are forced to celebrate us at least once a year on mother's day!