SLEEP REGRESSION IS NOT A JOKE, I've said it before && I will continue to say it for at least the next 6 years.
But what people don't tell you is that it happens at the weirdest times in your children's lives as well as your own. Here's the premise, Wyatt is FOUR YEARS OLD. F O U R. && he just started to do a fun "Sleep regression phase".
Que Me after not sleeping for days on end.....
So what my little angel has started doing is sneaking into our room after going potty, Then proceeding to wet MY BED, which makes us all get up in obviously the jolliest of moods to change the bed as well as clean ourselves up, just to go back to bed for about another hour before he sneaks back into our room && takes up the whole bed kicking me off MY BED. Now this happens anywhere from four AM to six AM, At either of these times I will be up && officially feel like my day has started, Hence no sleep for mama.
The good stuff; Detective work. WHY is he not sleeping at night?!, WHY does he need to be in bed with mom && dad every night?
Well, I have ran through extensive lists && here is what I have come up with.
1) It could very well be "Just a phase"
2) It could be a cry for attention.
3) He could have grown out of his bed.
4) He just might not want to share a room with his baby brother.
5) Unfortunately, I believe its a combination of all four.
Here's my solution, Trying to bribe my kiddo with a new bed, && bed set. I'm hopeful that he will be so excited with the new bed that he will forget about needing to snuggle in my bed && I may just be able to get more then 3 hours of sleep a night.
Pray for me, Please pray for me... Please.