Potty Training, My foe, My enemy, && Worst nightmare.
Here the deal potty training is hard as hell, When Wyatt was about one && a half he was almost FULLY potty trained. Then one day he ran into the bathroom on his own and tried to use the big potty and fell into the toilet.... he got stuck && traumatized to use the bathroom.
Now its been a year && half so we have started all over again.
&& let me tell you we've tried LITERALLY everything under the sun to get this kid to go on the potty instead of having accidents.
Charts.. Tried it didn't work
Stickers... Worked for a day
Prizes ... Currently working for his nana nut but not us.
Praise.. Tired still not working.
Discipline.. Nope
Then finally we hit the perfect thing... Bribes && money.
I know that sounds awful but when you've been through every idea && you're at the end of your rope that's what you turn to. Also it's currently working. He gets 25 cents for every time he pees && 50 cents every time he poops. My boy has $23.00 in one month, Only problem is he is still having one or two accidents a day. Now we have pin pointed that its poop only and what time frame of the day it happens. between 9:00-10:30 && between 5:30-7:00. So he now only wears a pull up during those times && his "big boys" the rest of the day.
We have a deal that if he goes a day without accidents he can go on a lake George boat ride && if he goes a whole week he will get an animation spider from the Halloween store.
Wish me luck everyone, Because this moma is feeling defeated... && can't drink yet because of breastfeeding the other baby. (who will eventually need potty training too, I'm crying internally && dreading the day that happens.)